Serbia 4 Youth  Google Play app

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» Accomodation

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» Accomodation


» Hot spots

Lower Danube

» Accomodation

Nature in Tara

We recommend
Eco hostel RepublicThe Fortress in NišBela Crkva LakesThe Fountains in SuboticaResavska CaveEco camp Fruska GoraPalic Film Festival
Toursim Organization of CacakResava CaveKurseviPrijemniNajStudentpoljskaisrbijaTourism Organization of ZlatarBelgrade Tourism FairTourism Organization of NisTourism Organization of Subotica & PalicTourism Organization of BelgradeNational Tourism Organization of SerbiaJpon Design StudioTourism Organization of Bela Crkva
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var MapID=85; var Type="category"; var Coo="43.924711,19.404175"; var MapCat=0; Bounds = ",,,"; PanoTag=false; InitMap(); $("#uvecajMapu").click(function(e){ // $("#Mapa").css({position: "absolute"}).height(600).width(800); $("#MapaHolder").dialog({width: 830, close: function( event, ui ) { $("#mapaNaslov").after($("#MapaHolder")); google.maps.event.trigger(Mapa,"resize"); coo = Coo.split(","); Mapa.setCenter(new google.maps.LatLng(coo[0], coo[1])); $( "#MapaHolder" ).dialog( "destroy" ); }}); //$("#Mapa").height(600).width(800); google.maps.event.trigger(Mapa,"resize"); coo = Coo.split(","); Mapa.setCenter(new google.maps.LatLng(coo[0], coo[1])); e.preventDefault(); }); Gallery

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