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Karadjordjeva street

Karadjordjeva street

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Karadjordjeva street Karadjordjeva street Karadjordjeva street Karadjordjeva street Karadjordjeva street
Karadjordjeva street
Karadordeva street is main stret of Valjevo. Karadordeva street was built two times. First time around 1830. When government of the time sent member of Soviet, Miroslava Perunicica to “regulate” Valjevo. Than the street was built from today’s library and district court all the way to Jadar, and than was called “Srekcovica sokak”, by property of Aksentije Sreckovic which by its biggest part was located in this street. Second time street was built from district court to “Dabic gate”, which was located somewhere around today’s “Medical school”. And than was called “Belgrade street”. This built was performed by  engineer Stevan Ðuricic, by instructions of the times “Club of the twelve”, somwhere around middle 19. century.
Karadordeva street was later doubled in length and in the middle got multiple expanded. Somewhat was expanded towards Brdani, all the way to today’s Radnicka street, and on opposite side all the way to Krušik, apropos so called “Rampa” (rail crossing) by that factory. By building house-warming “Oslobodioci Valjeva” 80th years of last century street was shortened from it’s eastern side to the intersection with the “Uzun Mirkova” street.
First expanding was done in 60’s in part between “Sindeliceva” and “Žikice Jovanovica” streets, by building residential buildings on southern side. With these buildings “Karadordeva street” came close to ”Cika Ljubina”.
In between streets of “Žikica Jovanovic” (today’s Vlade Danilovica) and “Vuka Karadžica” streets, also in south first break through was performed in 1965. By building 10 floors high District building and hotel “Beli Narcis”. In the early 70’s first department store “Belgrade” was built, and formed Tito’s (today’s town) square. There was no strength (or willingness) for square to be built on it’s northern side, even though it was planned in detail on that side.
In mid 60’s in time when Valjevo had enterprising mayer Ljubiša Miloševic, Karadordeva street was dug whole it’s length. Instead of cobblestones, roadway was covered with asphalt. The entire length of sidewalks was paved too.
In what used to be military buildings are now medical and two elementary schools (Žikica Jovanovic Španac, Miša Dudic). It's all thanks to Ljubiša Miloševic. Not far from school was formed stationery “Uzor”.
Karadjordjeva street
Address: Karadjordjeva street

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Karadjordjeva street

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